Monday, February 20, 2012

found it


Dear Umairah,

You are big headed macam dora the explorer kinda big dan nak menang saje kerja,
but u thought me patience.
You say im this im that and I always make u sad,
but still u light up my world like nobody else and yes im glad.
You say I kuat merajuk dan kuat marah padahal you pun lebih kurang ,
but hey, aku masih kat sini kan?
I say I feel totally insecure and afraid of losing you,
mungkin u said kalau nak buat, dah buat lama dah dulu.
They say we jiwang and nak menunjuk kat semua orang.

Memang nak menunjuk because I cannot explain what love is , I captured a picture of it, so there u have it, its you.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


semoga aku peroleh kekuatan, serta semangat dan dorongan untuk update blog.
yaallah, malas betul !